Social Media has arguably been the biggest thing that has hit the customer service industry since the mid-1960s, which was when modern day Call Centres were born. It is taking customers and organisations into untested ways of relating: transparently, collaboratively, instantly. The consequences of great and poor service are forever changed, and it is well worth it for yourself and your company to excel in this art.
One of the great benefits of providing customer support on social media is being able to connect with consumers in real time. Handling customer issues on a public stage can benefit both you and the customer you’re working with, and it doesn't hurt to go above and beyond a generic “Please call us so we can resolve the issue.”
Keep an eye out for mentions of your company. Remember, the audience is larger than the sole customer himself, and anybody could be tweeting or posting about a positive or negative experience of your brand at anytime. Reciprocate well, and build a connection with the audience to tap into their undying loyalty to your brand over time.
Likewise, don't hesitate to go the extra mile. Regularly monitoring all of your company's social media accounts helps you find specific opportunities you can use to elevate your business over the competition, and help you maintain an ongoing relationship with your customers. While the end result of a particular interaction may not be perfect, your listening skills certainly should be.
Lastly, do make a note and constantly hunt for keywords relevant to your industry, brand or products, so your team can proactively identify and serve dissatisfied customers before they take their business elsewhere.You can use such insights to create new support resources for customers, such as helpdesk articles and blog posts.
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