Thursday, 20 February 2014

5 Twitter Practices that will make your Brand Resonate with your Audience

Among the plethora of social networks that have popped up over the past decade, Twitter is undoubtedly the most intuitive of them all. Combining exciting, useful content with an engaging tone to uniquely connect with your audience is a fun experience to say the least. It's all the more better when fragments of your audience hang on to your every word and make it a point to respond or 're-Tweet' what you have to say. 

That is Twitter in a nutshell, and below we highlight five top practices to help your Twitter account become the best in its sphere, to in turn achieve the results that you want.

1. Keep Tweets Short & Sweet

Creativity loves constraints and simplicity is at Twitter's core. Tweets are limited to 140 characters by default, so they can be consumed easily anywhere, even via mobile text messages. There's no magical length for a Tweet, but a recent report by Buddy Media revealed that Tweets shorter than 100 characters get a 17% higher engagement rate.

2. Make it Real-Time

Timing matters, especially for breaking news or live Tweets. But how about for everything else? The short answer: it depends on the content of the Tweet, your objectives, your audience, their geography and more. The best way to optimize the timing of your Tweets is to test and learn, through Trial and Error. Once you have mastered thus, you can space Tweets sufficiently apart to grasp your audience at the right intervals of time.

3. Tweet Often

Like timing, Tweet frequency depends on a number of variables such as your audience, purpose and business objectives. That said, a good basic rule is between three to five Tweets per day. You may want to try tweeting a couple times a day to see how your audience reacts, then adjust as needed. Keep in mind that aiming for the stars is not the way to go here, though. Strike off the options of Tweeting out ten or twelve updates a day, that doesn't work under normal circumstances.

4. Follow your Interests

Following is a fantastic way to discover compelling content and inspire ideas for your own Tweets. Follow accounts that are interesting to you or your business, and feel free to re-Tweet, even if they are your steadfast competitors.

5. Simply @Reply

Engage other Twitter users in conversation using @replies and mentions. The @reply feature is intended to make communication between users easy and seamless. Users will in turn keep little things like these in mind, promoting greater loyalty towards your brand during any future endeavours.

Would you like active engagement in the sphere of Twitter for your brand? Get in touch with us at Brand Update to examine and zero in on one of the various service plans on offer.

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