Google Plus has a good reputation within online branding circles - it's good for Search Engine Optimization, Networking, Marketing and more, with new reports coming in constantly about user growth.
But even if and when you're actively engaging on the platform, there are still many features that you're likely missing, if only because there are so many features to try. With that in mind and in order to help you take greater advantage of Google's latest Social Media offering, allow us at Brand Update to list out five specific Google+ features to check out!
1. Helper Extension for Chrome
If you're already hooked onto Chrome for your browsing needs, then you're just one quick download away from a free extension that makes using Google+ a little easier. With the Helper for Google+ Extension, you gain access to the following benefits:
- A One-Click tool to share Google+ content on Twitter and Facebook
- Desktop notifications on new posts
- Bookmarking tool for reading Google+ posts later
Feel free to head over to the Chrome Web store, download the extension and follow the setup instructions, and you have a tool particularly designed to extend your reach.
2. Built-In Formatting Codes
Unlike Facebook, Google+ allows you to change the style of text you post with various short codes you might not know about. Here, for example are a few ways with which you may customize your text:
- Bold: Add an asterisk at the beginning and end of words you want to embolden.
- Italics: Add an underscore before and a plus sign after the words you want to set in italics.
- Strikethrough: Place a dash before and after the words you wish to have a line run through.
3. Google+ Ripples
When you wish to view responses to your Google+ post in an uncluttered, visually focused way, try out Google+ Ripples. Simply head to the top right-hand corner of your post, click the downward facing arrow, and click on the option to "View Ripples". From thereon, Google+ will take you to a chart that shows how your content has spread, including which users have shared it, who's liked it, etc.
4. Google Brand Page Audit
In order to obtain clear information on how well your Google+ page is performing, go to Steady Demand. With this free Google+ tool, you enter your brand page's URL and receive a free report on what you're doing right, and wrong. The software checks to make sure you're linking your website from your profile, for example, as well as how well your posts are performing. After looking at the resulting metrics, you have a clear guide to improve your page in future.
5. Turn-Off Google+ Emails
Google+ recently launched a new feature that, by default allows anyone connected to you on Google+ to be able to email you through Gmail. Some users see this as a new convenience, while most see it as a huge privacy breach. If you want to disable others from being able to auto-email you, there's good news - you can. Here is how:
From within your Gmail account, click the wheel at the top right-hand corner of your screen above your inbox, and scroll to the "Settings" tab, from which you can change the dropdown option from the "Email via Google+" section from the default "Anyone on Google+" to your preferred option - either "Extended Circles" or better yet, "No one". Scroll down to the bottom of the said page and click "Save Changes" and you're all set.
Have you already been utilizing these Google+ tools and features, or were some of them new to you? Would you like your Google+ page managed by the competent folks at Brand Update? Visit our website and contact form to let us in on your company's profile and feel free to request any Social Media service you may need help with.
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