Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Four Main Types of Blog Posts and How to Use Them

There are several kinds of blog posts Content Marketers can use to attract and retain their audiences, each of which come with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Using each type to its fullest potential is a sure-shot way to build an audience of consistent, engaged readers, and this week we examine five of the crispest ones for our very own blog post!

1. The Newsjacking Post

Newsjacking is a great strategy to mix one's own opinions into an existing news story. A prospective blogger can start by framing some current events relevant to his industry, then delve into the company’s position on the matter, including how the business might change in response to it. News posts, whether original or opinionated newsjacking posts, are beneficial because they provide raw, current information to your reader, ensuring that the perception of the blogger and the company especially is one at the top of the information curve.

2. The Instructional Post

Instructional posts are some of the most common for a content marketing campaign as they are relatively easy to write. Instructional posts, as the name suggests, provide instructions to a user on a given task or actionable item. They can be a step-by-step “how to” article, or simply general information articles that provide background for an abstract subject, like marketing. These can be written by both B2B and B2C companies, and can be taken advantage of for several universal fields.

3. The Media Post

Media-specific blog posts are popular already, and are becoming even more popular due to the increase in demand for visual content. Infographics, high quality images, and short videos are just a few examples of focal pieces of media that can be used for a media blog post.

Moreover, visual media has a higher propensity to be shared, giving a brand more visibility and in many cases, more inbound links - which in turn improves SEO.

4. The Entertaining Post

Usually, an Entertaining Post possess elements from other post varieties (such as containing media or presenting items in a list format), but their main stated goal is to provide amusement. The amount of entertaining content one should publish depends on the seriousness of the brand in question. If the brand is one of a playful, interactive nature, one can publish as much entertaining content as they desire. If it is a conservative, more professional brand, such content is best limited.

Do you have a Corporate Blog that needs managing with the tips above and more? Contact the Brand Update team via and they'll get in touch with you to explore various Social Marketing options for your blog and brand as a whole.

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